Your trustable specialist in Japan for business with Central Asia

Company profile

Company profile

Company name​JATECO Corp.  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​
Founding year2012 March
Establishment date2015 June
Initial capital10 million yen (including capital reserve)
Management teamAnton Kim, Ota Shinichiro
Corresponding banksSMBC Shimbashi Branch/Jimbocho Branch, Mizuho Bank Hamamatsucho Branch
Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yotsuya 4-30-23, Yoshida bldg. 8F
Phone(+81) 3-3350-1008
Business registration number T1010401118678
Affiliated organizationsPassion Leaders Incorporated Association (sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

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